2021 IDTA SEA Qualifiers: 12th September

We were so pleased to be able to attend the re-scheduled IDTA South East Area Qualifiers in Guildford on Sunday 12th September. After all the restrictions of Covid and the lockdowns it was wonderful to be able to see our dancers back out there, doing what they love, on the Competition floor.

Congratulations to ALL our dancers for qualifying in at least 1, if not 2, 3, 4 or even 5 events … we’re ALL going to Blackpool!!


Our Solo Qualifiers are:

Our IDTA SEA Qualifiers Finalists were:


Our Slow Qualifiers are:

Our IDTA SEA Qualifiers Finalists were:


1st Mixed Age: Cats – Qualified


Our Pairs Qualifiers are:

Our IDTA SEA Qualifiers Finalists were:

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Our Rock ‘n’ Roll Qualifiers are:

Our IDTA SEA Qualifiers Finalists were:

Fantastic results everyone … not long until Blackpool now!