Face Coverings
Following the updated guidance on the use of face coverings in public spaces, we politely request that all those aged 11 and over wear face coverings when:
- waiting in our safe drop off and collection zones;
- entering the building;
- moving around the building;
- leaving the building
and please remember to maintain social distancing at all times.
QR Code
We are now the proud owners or our own MKDC QR code for the NHS track & trace app.
Customers and staff will be encouraged to check in at MKDC by using the Test & Trace App (now available on app stores – search NHS COVID-19) or by scanning the code using your phone’s camera. We will still keep a separate log of all class attendees so please don’t worry if you are unable to scan the code. For all children’s classes, parents should scan the QR code as the app is only suitable for over 16s.
Class Times
Whilst we need to keep all these extra social distancing and cleaning measures in place we are asking you to arrive and leave promptly for classes. We will be finishing lessons approximately 5 minutes early to facilitate everyone leaving safely and to give the teacher/class assistant time to wipe down all surfaces and touch points between classes. Prompt collection 5 minutes before the end of the class time is particularly important for children’s classes as we do not have the space for them to wait in the building with the next class until you arrive to collect them.
We thank you you for your continued support during this time. Let’s hope we aren’t all wearing space suits to dance in soon!